Pedigreed Holland Lops from our family to yours
Hoppity Loppity Rabbitry, home-based in Parkland, Fl, is a bunny breeder of purebreed pedigreed Holland Lop Dwarfs for show quality whether that is your purpose or just a wonderful pet. We run a closed home rabbitry for the safety of the animals and our family. We do not rescue rabbits. Our rabbits are socialized from an early start as well as litter train started. Our line has influence from several lines from the best breeders in USA. We are always trying to improve and outcross as well as line breed in an effort to produce Grand Champions. We are ARBA (American Rabbit Breeders Association) and HLSC (Holland Lop Specialty Club) registered breeder.

A Bit of Background
How We Got Started
We fell in love with these wonderful animals and started caring for them and breeding with the help of the children.. Originally we did not plan to operate as a professional Rabbit Breeder, we just wanted wonderful pets for ourselves. However, we became hooked and soon we added a second and then a third one and then on an on to our family. A little fact is that rabbits have a wonderful personality closer to that of a dog/ they bond with their owners and even follow you around the house. They do well litter trained and relate well to other animals such as dogs and cats in general. No wonder rabbits are the 3rd most popular pet in USA. We share our home with 3 kids, 4 dogs and our Holland Lops.
After acquiring a lot of information about the breeding process, we decided to do our part in preserving it, which led to the birth of our Hoppity Loppity Rabbitry here in Parkland, Fl . We obtained our stock from some of the top Holland Lop Breeders in the country to make sure we had clean blood lines and produce gorgeous show quality babies. Since then, we’ve known so much love, joy and excitement! Contact us to find out more.
Upcoming Litter
Holland Lop families are growing.
We have several litters born and expecting 2 more litters this month. Winter will be very busy ! Happy wishes for these seasoned mammas and a first timer!

Kits We Produce !
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The Gents of the house

Cody’s SnowBird is our most acclaimed show bunny and in USA’s Youth Top Lop list 2024. He has won for my daughter couple Reserve in Show and even Best in Show. He has been featured a couple of times in the Hollander Magazine. He is a young broken black tort Grand Champion buck with 12 Champion Legs so far and genetics behind several Offsprings and show keepers. We are very proud of having him home !

Lil Cody
Lil Cody is still a young animal that has won Best of Breed already as a broken black tort Junior buck. He is soon to be a Grand Champion, when he gets his Senior adult show win leg. He is very sweet and Snowbird’s doppelgänger. He will go far and we are very excited for his show future.

Dirk Diggler
Handrich’s Dirk Diggler is a massive solid black tort Grand Champion buck. He has 8 Grand Champion legs so far and he is still going strong. We love his dark Madagascar color . This guy is always hungry and ready for some love.

Phoenix’s Geralt is a Grand Champion solid Sable Point. He is the house favorite buck based on personality . He is a ham and looks like a plushy. He has 9 show legs and going strong. His favorite thing in the world are head rubs. He is always upfront for some pets . He will never leave our barn. He is beyond loved and we love all our animals!

Boots is Mr. personality. He is super playful and active. He is our Broken Frosty buck. He loves head rubs and running around. Beautiful big head and one of the kids favorites.

The Ladies of the house

Handrich’s Gucci is a broken black tort Grand Champion doe and Lil Cody’s dam. She has a Diva attitude! She is a good momma but always has had very small litters of 1 to 2. She has 6 grand champion legs although we have not shown her too much since she gets stressed out during travel. We hope to have some more amazing offsprings from her before she retires as a Breeder.

Nutella is sweet as her name implies. She is a young Black Tort Grand Champion doe and breeder with 5 show legs so far. She is a very good mom now but took her a little while to get it right. She has short ears and beautiful shape . She still shows competitively .

Cody’s Krystal is a broken black tort doe. She only has gone to 1 set of shows where she won a couple of GC legs one of them a Best of Breed. She is a very good mom, petite and sweet. We look forward to a long show career and many beautiful kits from her. She is on the shy side and very meek.

Katie is a blue tort doe. She has a beautiful head and crown. She is on the petite side. She has shown couple of times but has not Granded yet . She is a wonderful mom and that is where she shines. She is very sweet!

Sunshine Lops and Dwarfs’ Vanilla is a broken orange Grand Champion doe. She has Gorgeous clean orange color and a gorgeous head and crown. She is Grand daughter to our famous Oreo that retired. She has 4 Grand Champion legs but we do not really show her much as she does not enjoy it. She is happier at home caring for babies . She is the sweetest doe ever and a house favorite!

Jujube is our broken frosty doe. She is very sweet and although she has couple of show legs, she is better suited for motherhood. Her offsprings are coveted as not too many show quality frosties around which is a stunning color. She is a wonderful mother.

Poppy is a very promising young almost senior Siamese Sable doe. She has a stunning clean color and was shown once so far. She won 1 st of her class at all 4 shows but did not produce show legs as not enough breeders/ animals present. She is very petite and well put together. We have high hopes in future shows. She is super timid and sweet . We can wait to see her blossom!

Molly is a promising young Junior broken black tort show grow out doe. She is the offspring of 2 of our best animals. We are very excited to see what the future brings for her . She gets along well with other does so far even if not siblings. This is rare but only attests to her disposition. We are grateful for her as she is the only offspring of her gorgeous now retired mother. Such a little princess.

OATS is a very young and clean solid sable point doe . She is out of Snow white which is our Pointed White doe and also Poppy’s mother. She is very mild mannered and gets along with Molly . She is a show grow out and time will tell her future as a show star vs gorgeous family pet addition. We are enjoying playing with her so far.

S’mores is a Solid Sable Point grand champion doe. She has 5 Grand Champion legs. She has Smokey’s (her mamma) good looks and sweet disposition. She has produced many show keepers for us. Judges always compliment her coat texture and condition. One of the house favorites.

Photo by Travis Grossen on Unsplash
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Health & Care Info
Important info for people who never has had rabbits

Health Tips
Do not bathe the rabbit. They are very clean creatures and bathing them can ham them as they will panic in water may fracture a limb or back. Wet fur can also lead to hypothermia and respiratory Dz. Hot water or hair dryer can scald their skin. If something is very soiled, you can spot clean them with a rag and warm water and maybe dry the fur with blow drier on cold setting but be careful as the noise will spook them.
Learn to handle your rabbit although they do love to be pet, they do not like to be picked up as much. When picking them up support their back legs with arm and hold close to your body. They have powerful back legs but weak spines.
Keep a tidy hutch and remove poop when needed.
Rabbits do eat a portion of their feces called a caecotroph. This is vital for their intestinal health ad digestion as it contains their probiotic bacteria. You will probably never witness this but if they have a dirty mushy bottom this may indicate a sign of serious disease and veterinary care should be seeked out.
Their nails need to be trimmed often so have your veterinary teach you and if you do not dare then take them to vet for them to do it safely.
They need to be brushed weekly. This will help with their own maintenance and periodic shedding.
If kept outside, they need parasite and flea prevention so make sure you take them regularly to a veterinarian for check ups and this prevention.
When in doubt, always consult with your rabbits veterinarian so make sure you locate one that has experience with rabbits.
Diet Advice
The majority of their nutrients should come primarily from Timothy Hay and Orchard Grass.
Rabbits do not need pellets and if fed it should only be a small amount of their diet.
Do not give vegetables and fruits to less than 6 M rabbits, if done only a small amount as a rare treat. Rabbits digestive system is very sensitive.
Make sure hay is not dusty.
Alfalfa hay can be given in moderation to Jr. rabbits and nursing mothers.
They love leafy greens such as but not limited to lettuce (Romaine, butterhead, bib, red and green lettuce. arugula, cilantro, parsley, arugula, spinash, endive, turnip greens, chicory, dandelion greens, raspberry leaves, basil, mint, radicchio, watercress, kale, bok choy, dill, mustard greens, swiss chard, wheat grass, escarole.
Safe vegetables include but not limited to bell peppers. cucumbers, parsnip, zucchini,kohlrabi, celery,broccolini, carrots with leaves, broccoli with leaves and stem, brussel spouts and cabbage.
Fruits should only be given also as a treat once or twice a week as very high in carbohydrates. safe fruits are apple ( NO SEEDS) , banana, most berries, cherries (NO SEEDS), grapes, melon, nectarine, orange, papaya, peach, pear, pineapple, plum and watermelon
Abundant and endless supply of fresh water always.